After having been born again, after one's spirit has been indwelt by the Holy Spirit, after having been baptized by the Holy Ghost, one's life is about to begin a new beginning. As a young Christian, one must wait for a certain time for him to grow. Like a butterfly, a new life cycle is about to take place.
It takes time to grow. If the silk of the cocoon that wraps the young butterfly while waiting for its time to fly is forcedly peeled off, or if the young butterfly inside the cocoon is taken away while its time has not come yet, it will only kill the butterfly and waste the beauty that's waiting to unravel.
But it really pays to be patient. Believing that the right time will come, learning that everything has to undergo a process will teach one to be patient.
Everything is set with a purpose. While the time has not come yet for a butterfly to fly, the purpose is to make it ready and equipped, as well as a young Christian, he must wait his time to grow. And when he is fully grown and ready and equipped, he must go and fulfill the scripture saying, "And as you go, preach, saying, 'the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons, freely you have received, freely give." (Matthew10:7-8)
One must be strong in facing his life. There's always time for everything. A right time will always come.
About Me
My name is Richard, but my friends call me Chiboy. It really so good to spread the goodness of our God.. He has become the greatest of all. He is worthy of all the praise and honor.
to God be all the glory, Amen.
to God be all the glory, Amen.
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