Kadali ra jud noh? Our church conducts camp meetings twice a year. It seemed just a month after the former camp. But the truth is, it has been, i guess 6 months ago. Time is really running quiet so fast.
A camp meeting is done in our church to revive the draining ones, to save the unsaved, to find the lost, to make whole the broken, heal the sick and most specially to Glorify the Almighty Father. Because if not for Him, we wouln't be able to provide everything that's needed to make this event successful.
In fact, last Friday, we had our general over-night prayer meeting. General, because almost all of the workers in the church joined the said prayer meeting. Thanks to Him who was responsible for everything that happened that night. His Spirit moved greatly during that night. God really blessed that night.
We've been through a lot of preparations, from the physical to the very most important part of being a Christian, the spiritual part. And so far, God is still doing great.
In conducting such events, the Host must always be ready. Ready to face a battle and ready to get hurt in a battle. And of course, it wouldn't be easy to conduct such an event, but for God, everything is possible. Our sole sponsor for every event we do is no other than God alone.. We cannot expect any support from anyone or from someone but from God alone.
No wonder, every celebration we do, every activity we conduct and every thing we make is sucessfully done because the One that supports us is the One who owns everything, as in ALL.. The God of all things showers us blessings everytime we pray for it. Prayers mean a lot. God provides all our needs everytime we pray.
This coming Oct.29, I am inviting everyone who has read this post, to join our Spirit-filled camp meeting.
Wherein God can freely move in our lives and wherein He can transform us into someone we never expected to be. It is a 4-day camp meeting. This will be held at LDHMF Soong Mission Center, Soong Lapu-lapu City.
See you there, let's all be filled with the Holy Spirit and be blessed.
Godbless us all.. God deserves all the glory and honor...
Keep up the good work guys!!
God really is blessing the church with a lot of talents and assets. Indeed these men above are just some of the blessings God has showered upon our church. They did great in the works of God and they're gonna do more greater things because God is still blessing them. All glory and honor is for God alone.
Filed under
Filed under
You keep laying down $100 bills
On the counter of your untamed guilt
And you keep paying out from your empty purse
Until you feel you've satisfied your curse
No one here is throwing stones
But you have got to drop your own
Forgive yourself, forgive yourself
Anyone who bears a scar wants to forget it
Forgive yourself, forgive yourself
Nothing ever frees you more than just believing
That you've been forgiven
Come out of the prison
Can you tell me how you spend everyday
Facing in the mirror of your shame
Staring like a judge, you are ruling for yourself
You tied a stone around your neck
Drowning in a past regret
Don't believe it's okay to be like this
Don't believe you deserve to live like this
'Coz every part of you wants to know
Just one reason why you should let go....
On the counter of your untamed guilt
And you keep paying out from your empty purse
Until you feel you've satisfied your curse
No one here is throwing stones
But you have got to drop your own
Forgive yourself, forgive yourself
Anyone who bears a scar wants to forget it
Forgive yourself, forgive yourself
Nothing ever frees you more than just believing
That you've been forgiven
Come out of the prison
Can you tell me how you spend everyday
Facing in the mirror of your shame
Staring like a judge, you are ruling for yourself
You tied a stone around your neck
Drowning in a past regret
Don't believe it's okay to be like this
Don't believe you deserve to live like this
'Coz every part of you wants to know
Just one reason why you should let go....
About Me
My name is Richard, but my friends call me Chiboy. It really so good to spread the goodness of our God.. He has become the greatest of all. He is worthy of all the praise and honor.
to God be all the glory, Amen.
to God be all the glory, Amen.
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